Thursday, June 21, 2012

Did you say Banana Pudding Trifle?

So...Leave it to me to skip ahead in this book so I could make something just because I wanted to.  OK so I'm going a little out of order, but so what?  Rules are made to be broken, right?  In my defense, and the last time I checked, Banana Pudding does in fact start with a "B" and technically I'm still in the "B" section of this cook book.  So I'm not totally out of whack.  This recipe is under "T" for  Trifle.  So having said that...

Trifle:  (TRY fuhl)pg527 A layered English dessert typically served from a deep trifle dish and made of sponge cake, pound cake, ladyfingers, or cookies soaked in liqueur or sherry.  This is topped with layers of jam or fruit and a layer of custard.  Trifle is usually crowned with whipped cream and garnished with fruit, nuts or grated chocolate.

Seriously Southern Living, you've outdone yourself.  If my hips would have let me, I could have eaten the entire trifle!!!!!  Like for reals!  It was that good!

Like the creme brulee that I made from the left over egg yolks of the disastrous Lemon Angel Cake, pudding is made very similar, but with slightly different ingredients. It by no means even compares to that crap pudding mix that all you do is add milk.  I'm pretty sure after making this I will never go back to that stuff again.  Making pudding from scratch isn't as hard as it sounds either.  I mean, it's obviously harder than just adding milk to some flavored powder, duh.  But it's not rocket science either.  The hardest part is making sure it doesn't scald, or you scramble the eggs.  And you can't have cooking ADD like I sometimes have.  I highly advise you to not turn the TV on Lifetime.  Those "One Woman Scorned" movies, as my brother Blake refers to them as, will suck you in every time leaving you with burnt or curdle custard.  Ewe.  You have to stir it constantly.  Repeat after me..."No Lifetime movies while cooking pudding!"  Good, now that that's settled we can move on.  Most of us know that traditionally banana pudding is Nilla wafers, pudding and bananas with whipped topping.  This by far exceeds any and all expectations.  What makes it so great?  Um...the Nilla wafers are lightly brushed with bourbon and rum.  Need I say more?  Yes, as a matter of fact I do.  On top of each layer of freshly whipped cream is a sprinkling of crumbled English toffee candy bars.  Oh. My. Gosh.  Needless to say, I will be making this for years to come.  

This dish would also be super cute to make in individual bowls for dinner guests!  Something like these would be perfect!

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