Wednesday, November 30, 2011

On my day off...11/29/11.

So yesterday you could have just called me little miss Susie homemaker.  Not only did I make a few things but I also started decorating for Christmas.  My poor little Christmas tree looks a little like Charlie Brown's, but it will have to do, for now anyway.

Something that made me laugh yesterday...Apparently my husband thinks that this cooking endeavour is solely for his enjoyment.  Which in part, he does benefit from.  He is technically my official taster. When I told him I was making a Lemon Angel Cake his response was, "Why are you baking a cake?  You know I don't like cake."  First of all, I don't understand not liking cake.  I mean, really, I don't get it, but whatever, they are in fact his taste buds.  I suppose taste buds are entitled to their own.  And second, he was extremely sincere when he said it.  No smile on his face whatsoever.  Needless to say, he didn't try the cake.
Lemon Angel Cake
Lemon Angel Cakepg15I'm not really sure what went wrong, all I know is wasn't quite right.  It came out kinda, well spongy.  So if you don't know how it's made, it only uses egg whites, not the yolks, that's what makes it so incredibly light and fluffy.  But my cake was not light and fluffy.  And I had a really hard time getting it out of the bunt pan.  The directions said "Bake at 375 for 40 minutes or until golden.  Invert pan onto rack; cool completely."  Well mine became "golden" at about  28 minutes.  So I went ahead and took it out, and I let it cool all the way but then the stupid thing wouldn't come out of the pan.  I mean, I was shaking the crap out of it like a crazy person and it wouldn't let loose at all.  So finally I took a knife to the edges and got it out.  Once I finally got it out it looked, well we'll just say it looked "rustic."  So this is definitely a do-over recipe.  Oopsy, my bad.  Turns out it's a good thing my husband doesn't like cake.  I would have hated to disappoint him.  Ha ha.  Which brings  me onto something else he doesn't like...
 Ambrosiapg13This is a fruit salad made of oranges, pineapple, and coconut, and topped with whipped cream, minus the maraschino cherry, because I don't like them.  They stuck in my teeth and that's just gross.  I thought this was delicious and it's already almost all gone.  I snacked on it all day yesterday and had it for breakfast this morning.  I told Shawn (my husband) he had to try it, even though he doesn't like oranges or coconut for that matter.  His feedback?  "The whipped cream is pretty good!"  Well half of it was a winner with him.  He's such a trooper.  But in reality he probably only tasted the whipped cream and didn't even touch the other stuff.  Either way, he didn't completely poo poo it like the cake.  

I also made for the first time in my entire life (Do you like how I make myself sound oh so wise by saying "my entire life" like I've been around forever and know everything?) Creme Brulee.  I had all those egg yolks left over from the Angel Cake that I didn't want to waste  (it takes 7 egg yolks if you wondering) so I skipped to page 150 of the cookbook to make this oh so amazing creamy wonderfulness of a treat.  My mouth is literally watering thinking about it.  However I haven't taken any pictures of it yet and I'm way too tired to write about it tonight.  Plus it'll give me something to do tomorrow.  :-)  And besides, the jury is still out on how they were.  The jury being my husband.  There's no way he couldn't like it!

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